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About Zach Lacy

Zach Brian Lacy passed away on August 1, 2020.  Although his life was lost, the life he lived will never be forgotten.  His is a name none of us will ever forget.  He was the type of person everyone would gravitate toward.  His smile could fill rooms. He was one of those rare people who was always having a good time with life.  Such a tragedy has truly shown the amount of love this boy had for not only his friends and family, but everyone he met.

Throughout our lives, people always tell us, “Appreciate what you have; you never know when it could be gone.”  They are right.  We never imagined this statement to be true until we lived through it.  There is no way to truly understand statements like that until you have a reason to believe it.  No one will ever know why this world chose to take Zach, nor will the feelings of sadness, anger, confusion, or loneliness ever fade, but his memory will live on through stories that each and every one of us will continue to share.  Through this tough time we have remembered how lucky we truly are.

Out of the past 50,000 years, out of 108 billion people, we had the privilege of living at the same time as Zach.  He changed all the lives he touched, brightened everyone’s day, and really made himself unforgettable.  Although our time was cut far too short, this world has forever been impacted by him.  His smile will be carried on our faces, his laugh in our thoughts, and he will be our angel, until one day when we meet again.  Until that day arrives, live every one of your lives just like he would: to the fullest.

As Dr. Seuss once said, “Don’t cry because it’s over; smile because it happened.”

The proceeds from this tournament benefit the Zach Lacy Scholarship Fund.  Each year a scholarship is awarded to a Merrimack Valley student who personifies Zach's fun-loving, easy-going approach to life.

Stay goofy, #22.